Product FAQ

Below you will find frequently asked questions about products on our website.

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Product Enquiries

Many of our items are vegan friendly. We are working to improve our product listings with more information and many will say in the description or on the product image if they are vegan friendly. If you are unsure whether the product you are looking to purchase is vegan friendly then we recommend using the "Ask the team" button below.

Many of items list the ingredients in the product description or in the image. If this information is missing you can also find this on the manufacturer website. Should you wish to find out more about any of our products you can use the "Ask the team" button below.

When you receive our products the manufacturers recommend daily dosage is printed on the product label. If you are unsure about the strength you require or which product you need, we recommend speaking to a health care profession or your local GP before purchasing.

If there are known side effects we try to keep this information in our product descriptions however on occasion individuals experience uncommon side effects which the manufacturers do not make us aware of. Because of this we always recommend seeking advice from a health care professional or your GP.

We do not offer medical advice. It is always best to speak to a qualified medical professional or your GP before purchasing Vitamins and Supplements. Whilst side effects are rare there are occasions when individuals experience side effects with some products. If you have a concern you can speak to the team but we always recommend it is best for our customers to speak with their GP.